HELP! Online PayDay loan!

Drake....if you would be willing accept, I could paypal you a bit of $$$ so at least you could eat, it will not be much as I am waiting for next months disability payment, but at least you would be able to eat for a few days. Does your girlfriend have a bank account? If so, probably would be best if it went to her....I will be out of the house most of today, but let me know. Would be glad to help you out. Be a gift or loan, whichever you prefer.....

I maybe could help out with a few bucks but maybe instead of paypal since he would have to transfer it to is bank to recieve it. It might be gone when he needs it. Can we buy a gift card to say walmart over the net? Atleast he could get food, tolietries, and other things there and even gas our walmart has a gas station hooked to it.