HELP! Online PayDay loan!

Inkjunkie & 72TrampScamp - I can not thank you enough for offering me some financial aid. That is above and beyond, and means a lot to me. I will get through this own my own though. Money is tight to an extent for all of us. I don't want to put any of you in the same situation as me accidentally. FABO has some of the greatest people!

Sounds like you have your priorities all screwed up.

I tend to think financially I've always had my priorities straight. The only reason I'm concerned about the Duster is because I promised him I'd buy it and he's gotten offers since and declined them since he was waiting on me. That's about keeping my word and integrity. Heck, If I had that Duster today, she'd be for sale!

I think what's making this so hard is I already live so cheaply I don't have much to cut. I don't have cable/satellite TV, I have the absolute cheapest internet available, always try to consolidate drives/trips eat very cheaply off the dollar menu or at home. Etc.

I've already sold near everything that I don't use to make my living with (TV, Engine Hoist, Engine Stand, I'm taking my /6 and tranny to the scrap yard today as well , and it was enough to get me this months rent. I'm only 21, so I haven't acquired much to sell that's worth a decent amount of money though.

Chase Bank is reversing 5 of the 11 fees I received, but the next time the payday loan company tries to charge my account they will not refund the bounce fee. They would not close and reopen my account so that I could avoid fees because it is illegal.

I've submitted 15 applications today trying to get a second job, hopefully this pans out!!!

Thanks a ton FABO, you guys are great!:cheers::cheers::cheers: