HELP! Online PayDay loan!

You all are great. I can't thank you enough for the help guys! I appreciate the offers, but I'm going to get through this fine.

Good news. My parent's usually never lend me money, especially $900! I was talking with my mom about what to do, and different ways of handling this problem. Once she noticed I was absolutely headed for rock bottom and honestly had no cash, an overdrafted bank account, and creditors licking their chops, she stepped in and paid the full loan back for me. We've set up a monthly payment plan that gets her all paid back at an amount I can still live on!! This is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders!

I'm off to walk to TacoBell and celebrate with my gift card!!! :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:


If any of you ever need any help and I can be of any assistance, I will be there for you!