Small Block Oiling Mods - Are They Beneficial?

What I typically do is much less than others here. There are some posts so I'd say search for "oiling mods". The X block goes a long way to being a more stable foundation and if the lifter bores are bushed you're way ahead of the game. As for what I normally do... I enlarge the feeds to the mains from the cam galley; add extra drainback holes along the valley and deburr the existing holes and openings; smooth the transition from the oil pump to main cap. Because of the rpms you're planing to turn, I'd also add the crossover tube in the valley for the #4 main, and take extra care to make sure the crank finish is perfect and the clearances are dead on. If you can upgrade the oil pump and pickup to anything larger you'll go a long way to keeping it healthy too.