Hi Def Tv's
Wylde the local paper just printed an tech article confirming what I have said here in the past Plasma Rules Period , the older sets had burn in problems because of the slower refresh rates they had but the newer sets refresh at 600hz which is way faster than the best lcd/led sets , plasma can be viewed from all angles where lcd/led loses focus and clarity as you go to the side angles , yes they are better in a bright /direct sunlight situation but who puts their set facing the sun , the lcd/led sets are backlit try asking the salesman for a replacement bulb for the lcd your looking at buying and he will probably gibe you a blank look in return , Neither set type will last forever or even as long as an old analogue set but good luck finding a replacement bulb 5 years from now ,never mind getting it at a price that makes changing it cost effective compared to the price of a new set , There is only 2 companies actually making new Plasma sets so pick the one you like at the price that works best for you and enjoy watching the Sens lose like you've never seen before