Performance info for 170 CI

That formula varies from head to head. Like the small blocks are like .0067 or sumthin like that equals one cc. It's sumthin you kinda have to figure out with each head. And I don't necessarily think it's the same for every kinda the same head, either. Cause with all the variations in machine work and blah blah blah you're gonna see differences everywhere. Best thing to do is just tell the machine shop "I want the chambers to equal "X" amount of ccs when you get done."

per cc it's..
.0048 -open chamber 340/360-[works for my stuff]
.0053 -273/318 closed chamber[57-61cc], open 68cc-.005
.0042-b/rb open chamber
.0062-b/rb closed chamber

you gotta wonder if they meant to figure this by bore diameter or by measuring across the valves chamber edge, or theres just a wide margin you can fall in and be good.

Nevermind, you found it. We musta posted bout the same time. LOL
