Had a discussion with the wife...

Hey Ink, don't forget that this is your wife's sister. When the latest drama blows over, or blows up, she will still be her blood. No matter how stupid or irrisponsible, try, really try not to beat on her too hard. It's her life to jack up, and one day she and your wife may get through this and end up really close. Just try not to say anything that cannot be forgotten and forgiven (by your wife).
Good luck with it, and try to avoid the fallout as best you can!
That is the thing, there is always a next drama with her. I more or less keep my mouth shut, and I do try to watch what I say. Ernie's comments about her sister are from the hip, that is just the way she is. And she expects the same from me. The fallout.....Ernies sister has said these 2 are fighting on a regular basis and she is already talking about tossing him out. We are 1500 miles away, there is another blood sister that lives in Phoenix, so I sure if things go south Ernies other sister will bear the brunt of it. What makes this a challenge for me is my family background, we were far from a close knit family. Our family more or less fell apart. Long boo hoo story, but due to this story I was unaware my Dad had died until after the fact. And I found out that my mom had died when I got a letter from a lawyer about her will. My sister and I had a major falling out, and thanks to this I became the outcast, more or less, of my family. I have not spoken to my sister in the last 8 or 9 years. Last time I seen her she was in a convience store by my house, I walked in when she was at the counter and she took off running out the door with the people she with saying there is my psycho brother. And if I have my way I will never speak to her again. Not to sound corny, but other than my wife and this damn pc connecting me to you guys I have no family........