CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

I agree with yall.

"WORD" on the streets has it he never has one running and usually lets them set to rot trying to get too much $ for them. He doesn't usually sell his stuff. (One of the beneifits of a small town, I know people who know about everyone, but no one knows me. I'm thinking he's a buck and a half too high on the valiant, but I somtimes buy running 90's cars for less than $250.00!)
I'll be talking with him again soon enough and beleive me, I'll ask about the bee but I'm sure it's too rich for my broke a$$! LOL!! that's why I drive 4 door A-bodies, I can't even afford the 2 door ones!!:toothy10:

Been playing phone tag with the guy on the 69 dart 4 door. I'll be calling him in about an hour or so. It's supposed to be "solid" but not running slanty due to bad dist gear.

Chow for now!!8)

OH!! I forgot to tell you guys (warning this is kinda personal)....
I go to the local cemetary ever so often to put flowers on my grandmas grave (We live in her old house to this day). When entering (Was driving FERN, everybody seems to like her in person!) I waved at the dude on the maint. tractor carying firewood to the main house. When finished visiting NAN I went to go out a different way than usual so I could go by the maintenance barn (Looks like a 50's style gas station 3 bays) to see what was inside (It's NEVER open) and to go buy the soldiers circle, the Laughery Massacre site and the indian mound too. This way also takes you through the civil war section too.
Anyway stopped in front of the maintenance garage and saw a gold or dirt colored car, couldn't tell too much dust. The car was under a cover that had been long ago pulled back enough to allow for entry in the drivers door. It exposed the car about mid grill, drivers side and mid trunk/quarter section. The cover had been pulled back so long ago that the dirt coating was as thick on the car as it was on the rest of the tarp!!!
It was a 2 door (MOPAR,I think, but it always seems sureal in that place when I'm there, like a sad misty eyed dream, foggy, cold, wet and dreary) but the sail panel went back to just a "pinch" wide at the bottom back where it meets the trunk deck area. It looked alot like a 60's something Fury!!!!
Could very well be the very NEXT chapter of....

You know I'll try to get pics but am sure that one won't lead to a sale, again probibly too rich for my blood!

The nice lady with the $10,000.00 Gold 2 door dart in this thread earlier keeps calling me. The car has been up for auction sense we las discussed it here, and it only realized a $3800.00 top bid to a guy from Louisville, KY. He went home without the car due to the lady now wants me and ABB to own it. She's still holding it for us. We would have to sell Clara (69) and Fern (75) Darts to be able to buy hers. It's still being thought about around the house right now!!:cheers:

Well, I hope to get back here with everyone from FABO real soon!:clock:
See you in the next eppisode of