Hey Inkjunkie!

Looks good.....going back for more? If so, what are your plans? I wish I was bare skinned so I could go thru it all again. This may sound kind of goofy, but getting inked was a sort of therapy for me.......I am hoping that during my next trip to AZ I can go ses my tattoo guy. I had a bit of skin cancer frozen off and of course it was under part of one of my tattoos....

Of course it was under one of your tats. Where else would it be? Honestly hope that worked out well for you. And now it gives you an excuse to get under a needle again.

Wiley is actually my fourth tat. I have had the idea for years but never quite had a complete idea. My gal found a guy that did awesome work on her, so I threw some pics together and ran it by him. His basic art was cool, but the finished job just blew me away. My only other tat planned is my 101st patch on my other shoulder. Maybe a styleized version of Old Abe on a black sheild with an Airborne rocker. Don't know, might take a while to think it through.