Custom rear spoiler for the Missile
Thanks guys for the kudos,
When I came up with this, it was one of those lets see if it can be done moments.
As to the functionality of the wing. All wings in all liquids create drag. How you minimize that and create lift is the question. Down force is just lift towards the ground.
In this case, the angle of attack if we were in water, would drag you to the bottom. However in air ( which is just a very thin liquid) the amount of drag and the amount of down force would probably be equal if not offset towards the side of drag. only wind tunnel tests could tell.
Oh, the first pic is of the hydrofoils I designed and sailed in the 80s. My study of aero/hydro dynamics was over a couple of decades, and put me at the forefront of foil sailing in the sailing community at that time. So this was to say I have a little experience here.
the rest of the pics show the boxing in of the underside of the wing. After it was done i put the wing on 2x4 supports on the bench and put most of my weight on it with very little deflection.You would be supprised how strong the original sheet metal shape was without any reinforcement.
As far as taking corners at 60, Id really like to take corners at 90! Keep in mind what the car is being built for.