carter fuel pump made in korea?
IMO the US has the capability of making a superior product, we have done it for years on end. I think a combination of some (not all) companies doing bad stuff like dumping crap in a lake that supplies drinking water or something to that tune to Government agencies over-reaching (heavy taxes) and putting next to impossible restrictions on companies trying to turn out a product that the masses want to the Unions (I hate Unions!) grinding companies down to the very last penny. Some, all, or a combination of these hurdles may force a company to make a conscious decision, move to where the rules aren't as restrictive or go out of business. Let me give you an example of a Union punch that I know of and deal with regularly. We do chingo's of work for a very large shipping company (think Brown...). Check this scam/hustle, delivery truck breaks down and the company calls me to go and pick it up and bring it back to them so they can put the packages on a different truck and keep rolling. The repair sometimes are minor and will stay in house, sometimes major and we pick it up again and take it to a dealer or specialty shop because its above their shops level of expertise to repair. Guess what, the mechanic whines to the Union that "they" are taking work away from him (even though he can't repair it) and the company has to pay the mechanic for what he would have made if he would have made fixing it EVEN THOUGH HE CAN'T FIX IT!!! So they gotta pay us to tow it twice, pay the dealer for the repair of the unit and pay the Mechanic for doing absolutely NOTHING!!! What a friggin' sham! Now I know this ain't manufacturing but imagine how much extra cost is placed on the company nationally paying out this monies? What do you think that does to your/my shipping costs? I know some folks here are Union folks but I stick to my guns, the problem normally isn't the worker, its the folks half way up the ladder and higher but that's another story....