Hey, yeah, great idea, then we can go right back to dumping mercury and lead in the air, land, and water. It'll be just like the good ol' days when you couldn't see a hundred feet in any direction on any day after 12 noon in Los Angeles or Denver, and when rivers caught on actual, real fire because of all the crap we dumped in them.
No, what we need is to go the other direction: stop pretending we've ended child labor and slavery and unsafe working conditions and pollution when all we've done is hidden them away out of sight in China. Global trade? Sure, no problem. It's just that whatever you want to import has to have been manufactured in accord with safety and environmental standards at least as strict as our domestic ones. If not, they can't be imported. Want to send your stuff to us, China? Fine, then clean up your filthy toilet of a country and stop using 7-year-old political dissidents as factory workers. Watch how fast it stops being cheaper to have stuff made offshore.