Holley Progressive Two Barrel Carb.

It might be worth monkeying with IF you had a stack of them, and lots of time. But these carbs have been around for a long time. Pretty sure if they were such a hot swap, there would be a bigger knowledge base by now. Two issues I see right off:

1. The carb was designed for a 2.3L engine and you are adapting to a 3.7L. The OEM application produced similar or lower HP figures than the slant. Are you sure they flow the same? Compare venturri area, not throttle bore size. Also, most of the Pinto guys fitted larger carbs in their quest for more power, typically a 2100 Motorcraft or 2500 Holley.

2. Aftermarket support is zero, and parts will be a hassle. You'll be drilling your own jets, etc... If you have a bunch of core carbs, go for it.

The idea of a progressive 2bbl make a lot of sense for both throttle response and economy. If it were me however I might start out with something a bit more common and supported like a 36/36 DGV Weber. Call Redline, something similar to their 4.2L Jeep kits might work better.