TTI Headers
I have an open car trailer that has an open center area. It put the chassis about 21+" higher than sitting on the ground. That may have helped me get my headers on without removing any of the steering components.
The driver's side is the harder one of the two and I needed to raise the engine off the mounts at least a few inches. Also had to fight the trans cooler lines. Starter naturally needs to be removed.
The passenger side was much easier. The filter and, if you have one, the 90* adapter needs to be removed. But the TTI headers don't require the 90* adapter!
You will probably need to turn the wheels back and forth during installation to find the most clearance to slip them up from the bottom for both sides.
If you have torsion bar clearance problems, you will likely need new engine and/or trans mounts. As they age, wear and deteriorate, they do sag. The trans mount can be shimmed up a bit.