Sandpebble Beige, love it or hater it?

Well it seems that certain time periods had certain colors that were not desireable. I remeber ridiing in my friends parents awful green 62 Valiant and being embarrased to be seen. But today give me that same car and I'll gladly take it in awful green too! The awful green was followed by metallic blues that were worse. Then came the sandstones and beiges etc. But what was considered blah and ugly at the time got a cool factor as time passed. Since I graduated from auto body school in about 1975 I have really like for cars to be painted the same color they left the factory with. I don't know exactly why....but they just look good that way. Now a beige one can have good work done and be changed to sassy grass green and look really nice but, for me, I'd really like to see that car in it's original beige. There is also a plus for those colors that aren't as flashy in that you don't see near as many of them so they stand out from the crowd in that respect. My vote.....go for the beige!