carter fuel pump made in korea?

And there are still a bunch of folks that's looking for the Made in USA logo and I'm one of them.

I have in my bookmarks toolbar for easy 1-click access.

Oh and as for TV's get you a Philips/Magnavox that's 56" or larger (I have a 60"), or a Zenith (except for the portables and small screens) and Curtis Mathis and you'll have an American made TV.

Or better yet, don't own a TV set at all.

Now about the union's, there ain't enough room here for me to lament about them/that!

Not much to say, really. The concept is sound and necessary; without collective power for labor the abuses are many and severe. But the implementation is rotten; unions in their current form seem to exist mostly to fill the bank accounts of the union leaders and protect the lazy, the stupid, and the incompetent. I don't know that there's a good solution to the problem.