What have I gotten myself into?

Well it's 21 days late But it's alive..........sort of I guess my 06 PCM isn't going to cut the mustard so I had Jason (USCGCharger's) 04 truck PCM here since I was flashing it for him and well it started and ran for a few seconds then died because of my use of a 6.1 instead of a 5.7 to run it. I'm having ignition switch issues that I'm having a real hard time overcoming on my set up so a magnum is taking the place of my car. For some odd reason my ignition won't turn off the PCM so I need to sit down with my service manuals in the am and figure it out BUT in the mean time I know that the 04 truck PCM will work with my modified harness and some more slight tweeking. I will post video in the am since it's to loud to rev the motor right now.