Rear springs

Nothing so cool. I am not sure what type of roads you have around home but ours are deterating with road maintence only happening just before elections ! ..I am just seems that way. The tax we pay on gas is suppostely go to the roads but when some politician was able to temporatly dump the gas revenues into a 'general" account, our government became hooked on the tax money worse than a herion addict. A big chunk of our gas price goes for gax tax...I think we are paying almost 1.19 per litre..multiple 4.6 = $ 5.47 or $ 4.50 for an american gallon.

My MG had a solid rear axle with rear leaf springs. Bumps and washboard used to confuse the heck out of way to describe it would be hopping or chattering..mind you to be fair, I will be changing the shocks and rebending the springs this spring. i have noticed the same with the Duster.

I just thought if there was a way that I didn't have to buy some of those solutions and I could keep the cost down, I would move forward. I am suspecting that it is too complicated.
