The A-Body With A Job

So when is the target date of the build?

To be honest, I likely can't start for at least six monthes.

On May 20th, 2010 I was shot four times by an Iraq-Veteran who was my roommate, trusted best friend of nearly a decade, and 'supposed' Brother.

Back in August 2009, this Sargeant returned from his fourth tour in Iraq without a home. I offered him a room as I, and my family, dearly cared for him. He so much as referred to my mother and sister as 'Mom' and 'Sis'. We all prayed for his safety overseas daily while serving, as anyone would in our situation. He was a troubled young man with a less-than desirable family life. As teenagers, we were his family that he could actually enjoy himself with and not be abused physically and emotionally. The United States Army was his ticket away from his family at 17 years old, whether or not he was the right person to be a Soldier.

That night seven months ago, I fell victim to an alcohol-fueled, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-related Mental Breakdown. In fear I locked him out of the home. He went to his vehicle to retrieve a pistol, then returned and shot the door handle off before kicking the door in. He used a .40 handgun equipped with hydro-shock rounds to gun me down in my home. In fear I was chased through my home and outside with bullets tearing into me.

Needless to say, I was left for dead on my back patio in 38 degree weather to die. For seven hours I screamed for help with half of a jaw. I had nearly bled out when my neighbor barely heard my desperation an acre away and came to my rescue around 6am, saving my life. It’s hard to admit this, but thankfully for me it was a particularly cold May night, slowing my heart rate and restricting my blood flow.

The Assailant fled my scene, crashed into two young ladies in the next County over, fled that scene, then was found and arrested for Drunk Driving, making no mention of the dying young man on the patio. It is difficult for me to consider forgiveness, and I hope those that read this understand.

As mentioned, he managed to shoot me four times. This was out of seven attempted shots. I was shot in the forearm: a defensive wound stopping a headshot; the upper chest: an intended heart shot; also the face: most of my left mandible was destroyed along with six teeth, and a shot to the back of the neck: an execution-style kill shot, aiming for the back of my head, thus shattering my C4 vertebrae in half and causing a severe spinal cord injury. Luckily, the Assailant had consumed a great deal of alcohol that evening and his expert military aim was compromised, missing the intended targets of my brain and heart.

The total injuries are too long to list. When he left me for dead I developed hypothermia in that time, which led to a staggering amount of further complications. My core temperature was 84 degrees when I was found.

Another injury to mention was the ruptured Spleen that hadn’t been discovered soon enough, resulting in my death. I can’t be more thankful to the doctors at Harborview Hospital for reviving me.

I spent 3.5 months in the hospital/rehab and my bill totaled $900,000. Between my excellent medical insurance, medicaid, and Victims of Violent Crimes my portion is $83.47 for the ambulance and helicopter ride.

I keep my head up everyday, despite being a 26 year-old quadrapelidgic. One month ago I stood and took my first step in 8 months, regardless that I used a walker, I am still proud of myself. The plastic surgery to my face was amazing. I can't feel my left foot, and the gunshot to my neck severed the nerve to my trapezoidal muscle. To those that don't know, that is the muscle that raises your arm. I pray to get use of my right arm back someday, in the meantime God grant me the strength to still wrench and weld.

My therapists, and family, think I'm nuts to be so focused on getting my Duster and hot rod finished (and build a house) when there is so much else to be concerned about, but truthfully I've never been so driven they are the motivation to work hard and be the old me again.

Here's my other project. A little less important than the Duster, but still cool. I did the chop and all fabrication.