How do you do burnouts with a stick?

jamesmcclain340 said
an old racer trick i've heard about was adjust the back brakes with the E-brake set. when you do the burnout only the fronts will grab. pull up to the line and set the E-brake and at the end you have all four brakes to stop. who needs a E-brake on a race car anyway. hope this helps and best of all it's free!

Maybe this works for a front wheel drive or whatever, (still not sure I know what the heck your trying to say) but the e-brake in our darts applys the rear brakes, and "setting the e-brake" is not going to allow you to do a burn out, BECAUSE the rear brakes are now applied and your fronts are not. The rear wheels are the ones that need to turn freely for the burnout and can't if you apply the e-brake, or worse yet you'll just wear out the shoes and drums even quicker (maybe the clutch also). Line lock is the only way to fly for burnouts and manual transmissions (and automatics to for that matter), and still be able to have the full complete braking power of all four wheels. Line locks are also very very cheap. You can install a line lock yourself for well under a hundred bucks.