Step Daughter problems (need advise)

Thanks for some of your personel expieriences I really appreciate the advise. This girl is a lost cause in my eyes. She dont learn from any of her mistakes. You could talk to her until your blue in the face and it does no good. I hate to say it but I think the only thing that is gonna wake her up to reality is jail. If she was underage I would pay to send her off to a boot camp. This girl just don't understand life and thinks the world revolves around her. She needs a severe wake up call.

You are right with that brother. Believe me I have been on this road with BOTH of my step kids for years. They have stole our mortgage money in the past and it gets to a point where you just need to walk away from them. You still love and care for them but it just tears you up with rage and frustration when they put you through the wringer. Call the police on her. We did when our stepdaughter assaulted the other grandchild and had her locked up. We also did when our stepson decided he was a "gang banger" and scratched up the neighbors car with a key twice. We knew he did it once we saw the writing on her car and the way the words were carved into the car. Oh yeah he is also a lost cause 4 kids, all different mothers, no responsibility for any of them, no job, living in R.I. Good riddance to him too. I feel your pain and frustration. i have been down this road twice now!!!