408 4x4 build

Well thanks for the input there guys, I'd like to go full roller but I cant afford it. I figured since I don't plan on porting those heads w/ a lift no grater than .555 I figured a flat hyd would be fine for a street motor that wont see anything past 6k rpm. Same theory w/ the cast crank and I beam rods. I did however save myself $350 since I decided not to get a deep sump pan and hv oil pump.
I intend to buy a windage tray so, a deep sump just seems over kill for a 4x4. I figured the pan would be to vulnerable to rocks or large branches and such. I've heard the stock oil pump is good up to 6,500 rpm anyway, as a motor w/ good bearing clearance only needs 10psi per every 1000rpm. Doesn't a stock pump put out 60-65psi? Anything more would just rob power and potentialy suck the stock pan dry.

Hello ou812...
I think I've seen you mentioned on other forms a few times, are you the guy that runs Imm machine or engines or something like that. You seem to be well known for building and testing alot of sb mopars. If so thanks for taking the time to help as your advice will be greatly appreciated :).

Your not the first one to tell me my cam is too big... I've been hearing that by a few sources. When I talked to hughes about the whole aplication for a good hour and a half from the pan to aircleaner and radiator to exhaust. Thats the cam they ended up recomended me. I jumped on it because it was 2days b4 the $55 increase in cam prices.

I think I might return it for a 232/238 540/548 110lsa or maybe a 223/228 506/524 111lsa but not sure just yet. How bad would 12" of vac on the street w/ a 6k(lb) truck be. Will it just fall on its face off the line w/ a stock stall and hwy gears. Would it hurt to have a slightly higher stall like say 300-500rpm higher I don't want to go to loose as its just going to hurt milage and increase heat. I intend on replacing the stock 360 converter anyway as its externally balanced and I have no idea the condition or milage or even the stall spd. Will I be able to run 9.5:1 on 89 with either cam. I say 89 and not 87 cuz 89 is just as cheap as 87, I don't even see why they produce 87...

You cant tell me that 2 points of oct doesn't make a difference. My 1250cc sportster that runs 10.5:1 will ping like crazzy on 89, but is fine w/ 91 unless its above 95deg than I need oct booster too, wich I'm ok with as the bike gets 25mpg and is no slouch.
2strokes are the same way but alot more volatile, my buddy burned a hole right through is piston by running 87oct, that or his other option was to walk 50mi home. I think he learned his leason as he had to walk shortly after anyway. They can't charge an extra 20cents a gal for nothing. Didn't magnums run 9.5:1 factory???


I did say "not much difference" at the pump not zero difference. Ofcourse when pushing compression octane is important...but not at 9.5:1. I thought we were talking about your stroker sb mopar not your Harley.