My Ram needs new shocks, help?

I'm keeping the Dodge Ram. I just can't swing a bigger payment right now. My company cut our annual performance bonus in half, lowered what they were matching on 401(k) from 5% to 3%, and anything over 40 hours I don't get paid for. I just wish the Ram got better gas mileage as I drive 120 miles round trip for work. Damn economy!

Sounds to me like you need to get a 500 "beater with a heater" off Craigslist for the commute.
I did the math on my 97 Ram with a much shorter commute, and I was spending 1,800 a month in fuel. If I get something that doubles my MPG from 15 to 30, I cut fuel bill in 1/2. If I get something that I can tweak to 45MPG, my 1,800 goes down to 600, and despite a few extra bucks for insurance and registration, I am saving 1,000-1,200 a year.

Something to think about.