Not a good time to be in egypt

I have been a defense contractor for about 3 years now, been all over the middle east, spent 13 months in Iraq. In Iraq I was gaurded by US soldiers and marines, so I did not worry about safety very much. The weekly mortars kept us on our toes, but I figured if its your time then.., Had a couple close calls with mortar fire but only one that was so close I thought it might be my time. I do this for the money and it gives me an oppourtunity to work for my country, I love being around the soldiers and solving some of their problems.

Now, I am in Egypt, i figured a decent paying job with a great oppourtunity to learn, I was given a site manager position at a young age, so run with it. Now **** is hitting the fan, people are getting killed in the small town I live by and it might be time to pack up. The border is closed and I am supposd to fly out of Isreal home next week, I am screwed.

Has anyone ever been stuck in a conflicted country, literally stuck?