Turning a 74 into a 72

I haven't updated in a while so thought I would catch up some.

This first picture is my helper. My 7 year old Granddaughter Kailyn. She keeps the dart wiped down and vacuumed out.
She was born with a clasped lung and spent most of her first year of life in the hospital because her oxygen saturation level would drop off real low. But she out grew it by the age of two and is a real spit fire now!

I got bored with wet sanding and decided to put the dash in and install the floor shift steering column that I bought and rebuilt. I probably should have waited because now I have to try and keep it clean while I wet sanding but I just keep it coverd up with plastic and that seem to work okay. Oh and I wasn't the one who butchered speaker holes in the door panels. LOL

Today I've been working on the driver side trying to get it all wet sanded and buffed out.
In the first picture you can see up by the front running light I had a couple of bad runs. So looks like I'll be doing some touch up painting come warmer weather.

SO that's where I'm at not a lot accomplished I've been working on it as time allows but with spring just around the corner I'l get my butt in gear and get to work.
I want to get the wet sanding and buffing done so I can start on the interior and new wiring.
I'll tell you one thing sometime I wish I would have had someone who knows how to paint do the spraying for me. I'll bet I could have saved myself a lot of grief if I would have.