Fiberglass help .... from the Doc !

OK ... here is the deal ......

When I eventually get set-up in FL .... I am going to restart my fiberglass business so I can make larger panels ...and maybe even a race-boat or two. But right now ... just smaller parts. And WHEN I get set-up ... the only advertising I will be doing is ON THE 'NET ... and THIS PLACE here is one of the few that I have considered. ALL of my ad $$$$'s previously were put-into the NHRA(and a couple of IHRA) programs and National Dragster. Now .. the internet is the only way to go.

WHY have I considered FABO ? ....because MOST of the stuff I sold in my previous operation for almost 30 years was A body stuff. And I am sure that this will continue.

B U T ..... I can not compete with someone who has a magic-mouse .. that can delete and ban at his will. I honestly do-not know what his beef is ... but if he wants to take-this to another topic ....OR whatever ... I am game.

I will say this though ....if I am whacked again ..I will never be back.

And lastly ... on this whacking and banning and piling-on that some people do to others .... THIS is why there are so-few people(that have actually lived the muscle-car era and/or have a HP businesses) that actually POST on any of these forums. WHY ? ... because these people who attack and sometimes smear others ...are just JEALOUS ? ..who knows.

LOOK HERE ...and anywhere on these forums ..... the only other person that comes to mind who posts(just lightly) John Cope. WHO is famous and full-of-knowledge that have posted ... that do not now ? .....

Barton, Koffel, Hughes, 440S ...etc ... the list could go on and on ....