Here's what it's all about

who is this man "tony fields"???????????????????????????????


tony, i do not know you very well, but seen this thread, and it is awesome. then, i wanted to see who was the poster of this thread..................... of course, it is from a man that undoubtedly has sacrificed thousands of dollars worth of items, to other members of this site. i for one, know for a fact, just how sly you were about it, it was not your first time giving away very valuable parts.

so here is where i suck up my pride, and tell you how i feel, and to let you know that all the great deeds you do for people, with wanting nothing in return, are what probably lets you sleep so great at night!.lol

i wish there were million of other people like you in this world. at one time, i am sure there was. my grandfather was one. but society as we know it, is in a downward spiral.
recently, there was a thread on here about holding the door open for a lady. yea, picture that today. it has gotten so bad, that the women today do not even exspect it anymore.
you are a great guy, and are huge asset to this site. i hope that one day in my travels, of cruising, or a mopar show somewhere, or something, that our paths cross.

THIS POST IS NOT BECAUSE OF A FREE PART.................... i post this, because after i think about it, and how it played out, that you knew that from the very moment i asked you about the part, you knew you would not only be giving it to me, but even paying for the shipping on top of it? i am lost for words to show my appreciation.

my two young-ins love to help me with the cars, and i try to teach them right from wrong, and to resist all the tamptations of life, but they are still young yet. but if i cannot keep them intrested in the positive stuff in life, then it may lead them to negitivity.
sorry if i am all over with my post. i like to write what is on my mind at that very second. THANK YOU TONY