What does everyone do for a living?

Congrats Goody, I hope you get hired on with a good outfit.

I know RBM of Atlanta mercedes loves UTI guys.
I worked there as a tech for years.
They keep opening up new Benz dealerships down here left and right and are always looking for UTI guys.
I've got lots of connections here with the dealerships and could get you in the door somewhere no sweat.
Starting pay is usually around $17 to $20 an hour.

I am a mobile mercedes technician here in Atlanta.
I used my dealership experience as a stepping stone and started my own business doing Mercedes routine maintenance at the customers location.

The dealership copied off of me when they found out I was doing it, but my prices are much, much cheaper since I don't have all the overhead they do.

Here's my website. www.benzmobility.com
Don't forget to check out my photo albums.
