340 Piston to valve clearance w/RHS heads

You didn't find anything wrong with the K-1's because there are not many in use compared to Skat, Eagle and the others........ Put more in use and you will see failures just like the rest. Most of the time it is NOT the parts fault for the failure but guys will try and put the blame there. Assembly problems, Too much NOS or just a Crappy Tune and guys will blame the parts I guarantee it! Wasn't my fault I only had my timing at 80*, I only shoved a 250 shot down its throat, what do you mean I had to change the fuel jet also?? Crap like that is what I believe goes on.

I know it goes on. I consistently see the good builders turn out stuff that runs great and lives...

Usually when you see a "don't ever buy this crap crank again!!!!" threads, it's someone who assumed, and didnt check things, or didnt weigh in outside factors like a cheap converter ballooning up and taking out the thrust. It wasnt the converter. It was that cheap crank from COMMUNIST china. OOOOH Ooooga Boooga!!!!!:sign5:

When all else fails, blame it on the the part that cost less, when in reality it was a good part.

Because we all know a callies crank made here wont lose the thrust from a ballooning converter. It's made of kryptonite. And therefore cannot be broken even from mistakes.:joker: Slap that ***** in and run her!
"Cost me 1200 bucks, what could go wrong?"

Those are nice looking rods for the money Louis!