anticipate the worst??..antifreeze on ground

the puddle is under the front of the engine...where it could of came from the water pump, or the conglomeration of hoses i have to run my aluminum radiator....which is what i'm hoping for...the garage is closed at all times unless i'm in no doggies will be the antifreeze was circulated through the whole system and is probably 50/50..the puddle on the ground is also very green so again i know there is antifreeze in it...perhaps the lack of running it over the winter has just let it separate some and the ice has found the higher spots like the top hoses and radiator tank.....really hoping thats the case...i've never seen this before

My 25 year old antifreeze sat in the car inside/outside during all kinds of weather with no problems. I checked it when I pulled the engine and it still had a good reading and was not separated. I don't recommend leaving it this long but it didn't have any detrimental affect and I think yours should be fine from sitting over a winter. I've changed out a few water pumps that were leaking from the tell tale hole on different cars and they almost always leaked on the coldest period of the year (Murphy's Law). The position of the puddle should give you a pretty good indication as to where the leak is coming from.