Ebay is a crock of crap!

The postal money order ain't safe either as there have been rashes of fake ones. Even Paypal payment can be reversed, so there's always a chance to get ripped off. If somebody wants to screw you, they'll find a way.

if you take it to a US POST OFFICE they will VERIFY IF IT IS REAL and cash it(for real CASH) on the spot there is NO WAY TO GET SCAMMED PERIOD. if it is fake the post office will go after whomever sent it to you WITH A VENGEANCE! as it is a federal crime, the only way you can get stung with a U.S. POST OFFICE money order is if you try and deposit a fake one in your bank account, that is why you take them and cash them at the POST OFFICE with the item to be shipped in hand

step one : have postal employee verify money order is real
step two : cash money order (now you have US currency in hand)
step three : ship package using money you got in step two

you see there is no possible way you can loose