Ebay is a crock of crap!

That is great if you are the SELLER... It sucks if you are the BUYER... The buyer sends a postal money order to the seller, the seller, hopefully is legit and is who he says he is and lives where he says he lives, if not the BUYER is just, sol. I know you can file a claim with the postal service but I hope you are young. With paypal and a credit card your recourse is pretty dam quick and you don't lose you cash. JMHO Once the MO is mailed so is your money.

I know plenty of buyers who got screwed by paypal the nice thing about money orders from a buyers perspective is the seller HAS TO give you a REAL ADDRESS in order for you to mail them the M.O. so if they screw you YOU KNOW WHERE THEY ARE! and paybacks are a *****! (of course if they are on the other side of the country this could be a problem) so yes it is more for the seller than the buyer, I still use them for both (I dont trust paypal)