What does everyone do for a living?

340mopar said
"Always" is like "Never" it just doesn't work that way. "Some" or "Most" would be better, I know that all Germans don't think like that.

I could say the same thing about Texans but I won't because I know all Texans aren't like that. A company I worked for in the '90s was purchased by a Texas company and they were convinced that we had to many people employed, we payed them to much and they needed to work longer hours. It would not be fair to group in all Texans because of one Texas based company, same applies for Germans or any group or type of people.

Chuck you may be right when talking about recent German emigrants to North America, but when you're dealing with the older generation Germans still in Germany the superior attitude is alive and well, believe me. I'm the first to admit that they produce a fine engineered product, especially for the industry I work in, they just need to tone it down a bit.