Really effin' GOOD corkscrew light bulbs

"G.E." is Obama's best friend . They're on their way to becoming a monopoly ; they're government-funded ( again , Obama ) ; this is another step closer to ...

... Fascism .

Yeah because GE just started up in 2009? Just like ford and all the other iconic American Brands/Companies the US (politicians) will not or can not let them fail.

GE is awesome, you know how much they got their hands on? Jet engines, home appliances, gov. contracts, electric motors, ect. I would love to be able to work for a company like that.


Im glad some one ells finds these bulbs amazing, I have been looking into the LED ones that are out but they are just too much. I guess if you have lights in a very hard to reach place (20ft ceiling) they maybe worth it but i cant justify them right now.