Wow!! What a site, lucky me finding it...

Hey 70Dart... No haven't been to Port, but hear you got a great strip.. The last time my Dart was at the strip was 2006 while I was sponsoring the High School Drag team, before that was a place called Van Isle Raceway, just north of MillBay, back in the late 60's early 70's,, and at Mission Raceway..

It's good to know there are a lotta Dart Guys here on the island. Any of them got parts.?? . thanx

Thnx much B569Swinger340, I appreciate the links.. this place is so kewl..

Thank-you All for the warm welcome..

There are just so many cool projects, I'm awed.. I was lookin forward to retirement to catch-up on all the projects I wanna do (got a 56 Nash Metropolitan I can't decide to restore, ORRR make a Sunday afternoon wheelstander").. I just might have to retire early just to read all the stuff here,, wow..