66 Valiant Sedan - new floors and lowering

Hello All,

I'm a newbie to A-bodies and car repair in general... I've recently acquired a 66 Valiant Sedan with a rebuilt Slant 6, good exterior, and fairly complete from a chrome and parts situation. I really like the look of this car and now have an image in my head of how it should look when i'm done with it... i am rebuilding the brake system back to drums and single chamber MC for now... am actively seeking donor car for disc upgrade, excellent info on this forum.

I have two items i would really appreciate feedback on that i haven't been able to locate specifics on.

New floors - the floors are shot. I've ordered the pans, and have gutted the interior. Any words of wisdom in this adventure? Gotchas?

Lowering the car - I'm guilty of liking cars that are low down and wonder about some of the proper techniques for lowering a car of this sort. I have the service manual and it indicates (my interpretation) that i can simply lower the front by turning a specific component... is this correct? For the rear, i'm also looking for any guidance or experience. My rear axel is currently under the leaf springs, i think they were towing with it.

Any thoughts, guidance and feedback appreciated (with forgiveness for my potentially in-correct terminology). Thanks in advance.