A-body 8.75 bare housing needed

well gang... heres the long and short of it LOL .. I am knee deep in the biggest part of project bills buggy, and have hit what I deem to be a major snag.. We tore down the rear end due to some noise coming from out back.. found out the drivers side axle bearing was hosed (I had replaced that bearing when we first put the 8.75 in the Dart) and the .323's had started to eat themselves thanks to a bad pinion bearing and a backlash issue.. Now I point out I bought the housing, axles, and backing plates at the Mopar Nationals 3 years ago for $300... Probably shouldve done a bit more checking when we first put it together.. because.. I just got all my parts back last week.. axles gone over, new bearings, seals, and had the chunk all gone through and redone.. new seals, bearings the works.. upgraded to .355's this time... we go to put it all back together, set the preload and all that.. thats when we notice the problem.. everything on the passenger side is right and tight.. drivers side, well.. the preload is good so theres no end play, there is no front to back movement.. HOWEVER, you can move the axle up and down a good 1/4 of an inch. (maybe even touch more) .. somehow, the end of the drivers side axle tube is egged out.. and we never knew it..

Now I realize there are options.. put a new axle tube end on.. have the inside of the end welded and then machined back out to perfectly round.. but I dont have access to the jigs and machining tools necessary for such an undertaking.. I believe i may need to find another housing.. Now this really screws the project as all this rearend work wasnt in the budget to begin with, and another housing... well.. lol.. I am not looking for a handout or for someone to give me a housing.. besides I cant see that happening anyways as A-body 8.75 housings arent growing on trees.. if anyone has a line on one though that they know is good and at a reasonable price.. Id appreciate any info.. thanks in advance everyone..