My new 71 Demon project

Well haven't started working on the car yet. Laying out the shop plans and such right now but, just for shlts and giggles, I thought I would see if I could at least get it to turn over.. It's been sitting for 10 years so my expectations weren't high. Anyway, right after i got the car I put a battery on it and of course, turn the key and nothing! I tried no further. Today I thought I'd trace wires and see if I was even getting power through the firewall, or just something out of wack since the PO pulled the dash out. Well, I'm a little rusty in my old age and been out of the hobby for awhile, but I'm thinking that its the ampmeter wires that I connected together and wa la! It turned over! Pour a little go juice in its throat and WOW! Didn't even turn over twice and fired up! Of course with the 10 year old stale gas in the tank and lines, I shut it right off and grabbed a gas jug. Put some new fuel line to the pump and carb, run it to the jug and H3LL YEAH! Man, this thing runs good! I don't know anything about the engine but was told the guy the PO got it from drag raced it. I believe it!! Last time I had something hit this hard, I was a teenager!
Ya'll have to excuse me for sounding corny with all this, but I'm like a kid at christmas now. I can't wait to get started working on it! I know it's gonna be a long road, but this is the kinda thing that gives me motivation!