History of your car!

I bought my Demon in Jan 1991 while in the USAF and stationed in the Philippines. I bought it from a Navy guy that had two...mine and one other. He still has his today, too! June 15, 1991 Mount Pinatubo blew her top and I was evacuated out of the Philippines on the missile cruiser USS Long Beach. I had to leave my Demon behind. Dave, the previous owner was not so lucky to be evacuated out, so I left it in his possession. He made sure it made it into a shipping container and sent my way...I was stationed at Ft Meade, MD at the time. Oct 91 it showed up at the port of Baltimore. The ash had done a number on the paint, so about a year later I put it in a shop for a quick new paint job. 20 years later, she still wears that "quick" paint job and it's definitely showing it's age...but she's still mine, regardless of how she looks! Here's a video I did up a few years ago...the first picture is my daughter who is now approaching 23 years old!

Same video, but on youtube and some visual narration/timeline added -- I submitted this to Year One a couple years back in cahoots with Moparts for a video contest and it was voted as a 2nd place winner!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ompIB9ws4so"]YouTube - Thanks Moparts and YearOne--16 Years Of Blood Sweat & Tears[/ame]

I've been told a few times to write something up and submit it to the Mopar rags and it'd be guaranteed to be published...I just haven't done so. :-)