3g Hemi Rebuild Guide?

why didnt you set the timing marks ont eh chain to the correct spot? even though it really dosent much matter. I just like to see things done right. on your next one save time. and leave the fuel rails on the intake, and just undo the fuel line. then you dont need to worry about the o-rings sealing again.

on a side note who did you get the strut covers from? they look familiar. a friend of mine did some just like that a while ago. that he probably sold on LXF

funny you mention it. the picture was taken while we were disassembling the front end of the motor and that is the how it was from the factory

The strut covers i just sanded and airbrushed myself, the radiator covers were painted to match as well but after some issues with the clear i used on them i ended up sanding them down and just painting them black.