Show us your bulldog

I had a solid white English bulldog back in high school named Chopper. I don't have any pics but I do have a funny story.
We lived in a split level house trailer (1977) with the kitchen/dining area three steps up above the living room. My bulldog would scoop his food out of his bowl with his bottom jaw that protruded past his nose, and knock the bowl down the stairs onto the living room carpet. I got tired of constantly cleaning it up so I took an 8 penny nail and nailed the bowl to the floor which solved that problem. One late night dad came home from the bar drunk and thought I hadn't fed the dog. I was sitting on the couch watching as he bent over to pick up the bowl, he didn't know it was nailed down. He tried several times to pick it up with no luck, it wouldn't budge. I was laughing so hard. Dad finally stood up, looked at me with a puzzled look on his face and said, ".....I can't pick up this GD bowl". Man was he freaked out when I told him it was nailed down