Grandfather (Thoughts, Prayers, and advice)

It is a very sad part of life to face losing a grandparent. You are doing the right thing by being realistic about the situation. My suggestion is to take some time by yourself to think of specific meaningful times you and your Grandfather shared and jot them down on a piece of paper. Then when you visit him, you can tell him how much those things mean to you. Even if he becomes too weak to talk, you can still talk to him. It will comfort him.

I spent some time with a much older friend at the end of her life. I felt it was important to be with her, however after she passed, I remembered a lot of things I would have liked to have thanked her for, but I didn't think to plan out things I wanted to say. I would have thanked her for baking me a birthday cake, for example....

Another thing you might do, if he is up for it, is record a conversation with him. Again, you could do a little pre-planning, ask him questions about his life, things he and your Grandma used to do, relatives he remembers from long ago, etc.

Just being there for your Grandpa will do you both a lot of good. Prayers sent.