Grandfather (Thoughts, Prayers, and advice)

First of all, spend as much time with him as you can, while he still around.

As far as what I do about my grandfathers and father? I remember them and think of them often. Heck, I was just telling a story to a fellow member here about my grandfather the other day, and was soliciting his help in creating a memorial of sorts for my family.

And as far as the feelings go, they are normal. Do whatever feels natural. If you feel like crying, cry. My dad's been gone for five years now. It seems like yesterday. Hardly a day goes by where I don't think of him. I got a splotch of grey hair in my beard the day he died. It's been spreading ever since. Sometimes people will try to tease me about the grey in my beard, but I just tell them every time I look in the mirror, it makes me think of my dad.

Hang onto your memories. Unfortunately, they fade some as we get older.