318 is not hot enough

If it's not getting hot on the engine side with a closed stat at idle, changing the stat won't do anything.

I mean….. What you are telling us is that it is only running 160* without the coolant circulating. Getting the coolant circulating won't make it run hotter.

That's why i said "It's an impossible scenario."

Only options I see are……

•You have a 160* in there now but just don't know it.

•You don't have one in there at all.

•Whatever is in there is stuck open.

Was the coolant circulating when you looked in the top of the radiator?
Your upper hose won't develop pressure with the cap off and a thermometer sticking out the top of the radiator.

Look for circulation (the coolant will be flowing quickly past the hole left by the removed cap.

Once it is circulating take your temp test. If it never circulates and never gets over 160*, Im out of answers.