It always happens when it rains.

Kind of. I just installed a new Grant Challenger GT on my Duster, and I hate the way the center horn button is held in place. The slightest turn makes it pop out and the horn blares until it is either re-seated or you unplug the wire. Well I got home from class today (after driving the Duster 30 miles to and from the campus) and rushed inside to do my business on the crapper. It was urgent too. Well I am sitting there in the quiet relaxing and whatnot and I hear a car horn blaring. After a few seconds I realize it is my horn. So I have to quickly finish my business, go outside in my shorts and a tank top, and fix the damn horn while my neighbors look on. The center cap apparently popped off on its own, so I popped the hood and pulled the wire from the horn itself. I haven't hooked it up yet, and won't until I figure out how to make the damn cap stay in the wheel.

Not as painful as your scenario, but a little more humiliating. :-D

:pottytra: Mine was doing that too. I cut down the spring so there is not as much pressure on the cap. Just enough to hold it out.