
what is a good company to go with for a complete new wiring harness for the whole car.

Oof. Your options are very limited, and wherever you buy from, any kind of a special car-specific kit or harness is going to be very expensive. If you're willing to put in the time and effort to do it all yourself from bulk materials (wire, terminals, terminal housings, etc.) the cost will be much less, but either way, rewiring a car takes time, thought, effort, and time. I would not buy (anything) from Painless.

I think as a first step I'd go through and take apart each and every unpluggable connection and remove the bulb from each socket, one at a time, clean and treat the terminals, and reassemble. Cheap contact cleaners are useless; good ones are costly. Clean with Blue Shower or DeOxit; treat with Stabilant-22a.