Old Mopar Enthusiasts = A Rougher/Meaner Crowd

I think some of us are just old and tired of the BS. I used to sell parts, and one time somebody came in with a NICE 62 'Vette just out of "restore." He needed some of the large air ducting for the heater, so I went out to help him measure it. It drew a crowd


announced, "Ya, ya cen always tell these 'Vette engines, 'cause they're just a little SHORTER then th' REGLAR Chivvies!!!!

And we've ALL heard the stories about "My Dad's Cousin's buddies kit had a.............. that could run 9' 10's 11's etc "Dealer stock"

440 hemis. yup.

"It's a 383 but it has 440 heads." Of course it does.

Guy selling a "383/ 440 distributor" for 20 bucks

I say, it has to be one or the other which one?

He says, no it fits either.

I say what did it come OUT of? Well, 383

So I bet him the price of the dist. Yanked the dist right out of my 440 I'd drove up in, showed him the difference, and collected 20 bucks and drove off.