Soul, blues, country, rock... all mixed...

Wow! you can stay out and drink all night? Even once every 2 months?
If i have more than 6 beers the zippity is gone from my doodah if you know what i mean.
Then i pay for it for 2 days.
Memike, you da man at your age. :thumrigh:
Good music though!
If I have a night out with the young guns it's easy to sip slowly and enjoy watching things get fun after midnight :color:
A big dish of spaghetti before the night starts and after every 5th frosted mug a shot of Tequila wakes me up and takes me away from a sluggish beer buzz :color:, Then it seems like time flies buy enjoying attention and fellowship I am blest with :hello1::hello1:, My last all night'er was around a camp fire here on the hill with my brother and cousin talking about the old day's and before we new it it was 4:30 am.
But like you said it takes a couple days of rest and good food to get back to myself again. Thank you Dartnut :thumrigh:, I guess I am young at hart and it's time to have a child hood and get all I can at this time :color:
Good music makes the night fly by :hello1: