72 petty blue twister "BACKWARDS BUILD"

Car looks great, I have always liked Petty Blue and the painted bumpers are a nice touch also.

In post #33 there is an engine shot and there looks to be a Champion radiator.
Is it a 2 row or a 3 row?

And are you happy with the fit and how is the cooling?


it is a 3 row. but i ordered wrong. the engine has the older waterpump, so it put one of the hose on the wrong side. so instaed of just putting a new waterpump, i had them make one for the oppisite way. so now, if i have to change w.p's, i have to stick with the older cast iron type. it keeps my car running very cool. i also ordered it with the cooling electric fan. i have not used that yet. i have a vicous fan on it right now. if that does not keep it cool in the summer, i will put the electric one on. so far, i have had good luck with these rads