Speeding Ticket
In Texas you can hire an attorney and get off 98% of the time! They will postpone it and eventually you will go to court and most times it will be dismissed.Usually takes a year or so before you ever go to court.At least that was the way it was on the last ticket I received. You can also take defensive driving and keep it off your record.And then there is defered adjudication where you pay a certain amount and you are then put on probation for a period and If you do not get another movin violation infraction it will never appear on your record.Or then you can just pay the fine and it will appear on your record. You should try to keep it from appearing on your record. I agree that Policeman are just doing there job and that they are people also.But By fighting a traffic violation it does not take any money out of the Policemans pocket.And for every one person that fights a ticket and wins there are ten times as many that just pay due to the hassle of fighting one. It is a hassle to fight one but then it is your choice.